Health Care License Defense Attorney
Experienced | Personalized | EffectiveWhether you are seeking to acquire a new professional, medical, or health license, believe your license may be in jeopardy, or need guidance through administrative or regulatory issues, the attorneys at McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP are ready to put their decades of experience to work for you.
Health License Defense Attorney
We appreciate the years of hard work that it took to become a medical professional and know how to protect all you have accomplished.
Regardless of your area of practice or your specific title, medical professionals across Texas carry a huge responsibility and are held to the highest possible standards. You perform a vital service to the community and if your ability to practice is put in jeopardy, the attorneys of McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP know what you are up against.
There are numerous regulatory and licensing boards that govern Texas’ medical professionals, each operating under their own licensing criteria and disciplinary policies. To protect your license and your career, it’s important to consult attorneys with considerable experience and knowledge of these boards and their highly-individualized processes.
These regulatory bodies are tasked with protecting the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Therefore, they take the issuance of licenses and accusations of misconduct very seriously. A complaint can stem from any number of sources, like individual patients, employers, state agencies, insurance providers, or law enforcement agencies. A complaint will typically trigger an investigation and once you become aware you are the target of an investigation, you need to take a proactive approach and develop a well-crafted plan of action to defend yourself and assert your rights. Most healthcare professionals do not have the time or expertise to defend their licenses. Hiring an attorney to help you navigate the administrative board does not make you appear guilty.
At McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP our Texas health license defense lawyers fight hard to protect healthcare professionals when they are faced with regulatory matters, license issues, and disciplinary action. Each of our attorneys has either been a litigating staff attorney or held a senior level enforcement position with a Texas regulatory board. Based on our extensive knowledge and experience, we will strive to defend your license, reputation, assets, and career, as well as work to relieve the pressures of dealing with any action against your healthcare license.
If you have business before any of the following Texas regulatory boards, we can help:
- Texas Medical Board
- Texas Board of Nursing
- Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
- Texas State Board of Pharmacy
- Texas Physician Assistant Board
- Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
- Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors
- Texas State Board of Marriage and Family Therapists
- Texas Board of Respiratory Care Board
- Texas Medical Physicist License Advisory Committee
- Perfusionist Licensure Advisory Committee
- Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
- Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
- Health and Human Services Commission
Professional License Defense Lawyer
Licensed professionals are often unaware how significant an action against their credentials or license can be.
Our goal is to guide you from start to finish and reduce the impact. Whether you are a physician, nurse, or hold another type of professional medical license, it is obvious that you invested a great deal of time and money in your career. Sometimes problems obtaining a license arise, complaints are made by previous clients or colleagues, and even an honest mistake could put everything at risk. When issues are affecting your profession, it is in your best interest to discuss your options with one of our experienced licensed professionals defense attorneys at McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP.
Our attorneys know the pitfalls that normally hinder first-time Texas license applicants or even seasoned professionals seeking a renewal of their license. We can properly advise you about how to increase your chances of successful licensure. We know what is required to be disclosed on renewals and how to properly inform the board of potential practice issues.
Additionally, it is not just alleged violations of practice standards that result in investigations. Due to the sensitive nature of the work involved or the trust conferred to medical professionals by patients, licensing boards in Texas pursue claims of misconduct vigorously since they suggest dishonesty, recklessness, or an ethical breach. If a practice violation, criminal conviction, or an accusation of unethical behavior is threatening the status of your license, you need zealous representation. Through early and effective intervention, you can avoid many of the adverse repercussions and obtain the best possible result, which may very well save your ability to practice. This can include a negotiated reduction in penalties, participation in appropriate treatment programs, and total vindication in an administrative hearing.
Many licensed professionals are notified of an investigation or other regulatory action by their respective Texas licensing board by a formal letter, which may even request your participation or appearance. It’s important to remember that you have rights in these situations and you should discuss the matter with an experienced attorney. There are set timelines to respond to administrative agencies so you need to act quickly and you must respond.
Some of the common mistakes licensees make when receiving a notice are:
- Ignoring the complaint notice
- Attempting to deal directly with the licensure board
- Believing that you will be treated fairly and afforded a chance to explain
- Allowing the process to progress, thereby increasing the seriousness of the consequences
- Speaking with investigators too freely as if they have your best interest in mind and are allowed to offer you suggestions to protect your license
Government Affairs & Lobbying Attorneys
When government bureaucracy creates a problem, it takes creativity and innovation to remove the roadblocks.
Businesses and organizations throughout Texas often encounter public policy issues that require unique attention and proven results. Whether your goal is to shape public policy, amend an administrative rule, advance the interests of a nonprofit, or facilitate government access at any level, at McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP, our highly skilled government affairs representatives offer a wide range of services to guide your organization towards success.
Our attorneys are considered authorities regarding health care regulation and reform, compliance issues, and policy and procedure creation. We have a well-earned reputation for navigating the complex halls of government and building effective strategies that not only meet, but exceed client expectations. As government administration and interaction becomes more sophisticated, the issues and processes involved also become more complex. That’s why it is critical to take practical steps to further your needs. With a cultivated network of relationships and desire to find real solutions to all manner of problems, our aim is to be equally influential – for you.
No matter the issue or the stakes involved, we are prepared to meet the challenge. If your interests are best served at the local, state, or federal level, the government relations team with McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP can help find the answer.
If you need steadfast and efficient advocacy in any of the following areas, contact us today:
- Agency Rulemaking
- Health Care Law Reform
- Nonprofit Advocacy
- Grassroots Legislative Training
Other Services
We’ve dedicated our career to protecting yours. That’s why we offer supplemental services to safeguard your license and avoid problems down the road.
Continuing Education
Development as a professional often requires some supplemental learning. We have substantial experience with advising individuals, organizations, businesses, and regulatory boards in various liability issues, licensing, and disciplinary matters and would be eager to assist your organization as well. If you have areas of concern and need a consultant or a seminar speaker, our attorneys are able to assist.
Guest Speaking
Since each of our attorneys have worked for a Texas regulatory board in the past and currently have years of experience, we have a well-rounded and astute perspective regarding how professional license defense really plays out. We regularly lecture in educational seminars on topics ranging from Texas laws, documentation, risk management, professional and practice standards, boundary violations, substance abuse, and liability. We also provide motivational presentations and keynote addresses.
Corporate Training
Large institutions that employ and work with licensed professionals often benefit from limiting exposure and serious potential liability concerns by ensuring their employees are fully trained and in good standing.
Risk Management Assessment & Training
Protect your organization and identify potential hazards with an in-depth assessment and let our legal professionals help implement the tools you need to forgo future disciplinary and compliance issues.
Expert Consulting & Testifying
When administrative hearings and court cases revolve around highly technical or intricate issues, it can be beneficial to have expert witnesses and consultants to add depth and clarity. Many of our attorneys have considerable senior litigation experience and can help you understand when and how to employ these services.
Who We Are
Your Professional Reputation Requires Personal Attention
At McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP, we are veteran Texas attorneys, committed to professional license defense and providing innovative solutions when government issues affect you. We are passionate about helping our clients. Safeguarding your ability to practice is something we take very seriously and usually involves multifaceted issues, challenging strategies, and a meticulous attention to detail. We understand when your livelihood is threatened, there is nothing more important to you and there won’t be anything more important to us. We pride ourselves on providing each client with the personalized attention and devotion necessary to reach your goals. Our clients frequently comment on how easy our attorneys are to talk to.
We know how these boards and government agencies work and how investigations move from accusations to notification, and every facet of the administrative hearing and administrative appeal process. We are frequently called upon to lecture and write about issues such as nursing law, health care regulation, medical ethics, and licensure defense. As respected authorities in this field and with a collective background in litigation and senior level enforcement, you can rest assured that your attorney has the skill and industry-specific knowledge to fight for the best possible outcome in any hearing or court room. Don’t take a risk that puts your career and future in danger.
When Should I Hire a License Defense Attorney?
Don’t go it alone. Your career and reputation deserve the strongest possible defense.
The biggest mistake most licensed professionals make is assuming if something ever comes up, their licensing Board will support them, even defend them. After all, this is your licensing board, right? They may be cordial and suggest that the process is just a formality, but remember they are not your friends. Your respective Board’s chief mission is to protect the public—NOT you. They will not be worried about preserving your career or your rights and you can be sure they will have attorneys looking out for their own interests. You should do the same.
You may be conflicted about hiring an attorney. You probably understand the need to have assistance in defending your license, but will having a lawyer make you look like you have something to hide or that you are guilty? The simple answer is NO. State boards that oversee disciplinary actions are fully aware even the most esteemed members of their professions do not fully understand the administrative processes they will face. Like any legal proceeding, having a dedicated attorney is not an indication of guilt; it means you are taking the matter seriously and fully intend to assert your rights and defend yourself.
What you should consider when searching for a lawyer?
Many people think that any attorney will be sufficient to appear before a regulatory board. However, this is a highly-specialized area of administrative law and while a family lawyer or your malpractice attorney may have a general understanding of the issues you’ll face, they will usually be ill-equipped to handle the full scope of the process. Likewise, do not hire the first attorney you speak with.
You need to check the qualifications and reputation of the attorney you are hiring. You should look for an attorney with:

The decision to have skilled representation in any regulatory or disciplinary hearing should be viewed as an investment in yourself and the time it took to build your practice. Unlike other lawyers, the attorneys at McDonald, Mackay, Porter & Weitz, LLP focus on administrative/regulatory law and have been protecting professional licenses in Texas for decades. All the attorneys at our firm understand the nuances of such representation and are dedicated to continuing our education, so that we remain current and better serve our clients.